Saturday, June 3

We're talking to ourselves

The truth hurts but Robert Ambrogi is right when he says over at Legal Blog Watch that...

'As important as blogs are to other bloggers, academics and journalists, they have yet to become important or even routine sources of information for most rank-and-file lawyers and legal professionals.

No question, blogs drive important conversations. But these conversations are outside the earshot of most practicing lawyers. For them, traditional forms of legal writing remain their main sources of information. Perhaps the only sure way to open the conversation as broadly as possible is through the convergence of new media with old.'

That's in the context of The American Lawyer's rave about blawgs this week that said;

'The most compelling, cutting-edge, honest legal writing being produced in this country today is happening on the Internet, and the crop improves daily... it's clear that the real bones and guts and sinew of the national conversation is happening online, and not in print.'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You look too much like David Feherty! Or was that intentional?[see Golf Magazine June 2006].