Friday, October 13

Betcha your Batna is worse than mine

My October Harvard/PON Negotiation newsletter arrived with this morning's post.

On the back page is an article on the Rock/Paper/Scissors case from Florida that got so much attention back in June.

The blogosphere posted on it here, here and here and probably elsewhere (no link...hmmm is it possible to link to elsewhere?)

In brief, the lawyers could not agree in which of their law firm offices they would depose a witness to the trial, so the judge ordered them to play a game of chance - R/P/S.

Hey, those lawyers so deserved it - their offices were in the same building, four floors apart.

Anyway, as a follow up PON report they settled it rather than be shamed into a game of chance (and litigation is....?).

PON also note what a clever judge that Hon Gregory A. Presnell is, because his ruling established a new BATNA for the parties, one that didn't exist before.

You may recall King Solomon doing the same thing a while back.

Sort of related: the World R/P/S Championship (video)

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