Thursday, November 9


Seems everyone is suddenly rushing to explain RSS feeds this week.

Well they are the future, I guess.

Here's A-lister Dennis Kennedy's take on it at Law Practice Today

'Depending on who you talk to, the acronym RSS stands for a couple of different things: Really Simple Syndication and Rich Site Summary are the most commonly used. For a good, technical definition of the term, check out Wikipedia on RSS, and the above-mentioned Web Feeds definition. Tom's favorite new description of RSS comes from RSS the Oprah Way, which describes RSS as "I'm Ready for Some Stories!" If you're looking for a more visual way of understanding RSS and how to use it, we both agree that the RSS Tutorial for Law Librarians tutorial webcast is a great place to start. Even though it's designed for law librarians, anyone can benefit from the content.'

Here's my take on it in my Blogosphere article at;

'Sites like Bloglines work because of technology called content feeds (or RSS - darn, I wanted to avoid that) but RSS is the high-tech version of the guy who, at precisely 5.43am every morning except Sunday, throws my newspaper over the fence and hits the side of our house here in Wellington – the news comes to me – I don’t have to go down the street and get it in my jammies. Want to know more? . . . check out Getting started with Bloglines/FONT> at Wisconsin Lawyer.'

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