Tuesday, February 19

YouTube for Documents

Every once and a while the Net throws up a gold nugget like .docstoc - on the surface it's a pretty cool free professional document sharing site - the usual stuff -legal/business/financial etc.

You upload and you download. Or use .docstoc to store your documents online and access them from anywhere - choose to keep them private or allow anyone to download them.

But best of all?

Look at this - its a 60 page research piece fresh out today by Masters student Kay Hewitt called Critical Mediation Issues in New Zealand Literature and Practice and instead of giving you a link to it I'm able to put the whole thing here.

Brilliant! No more links - you can read it right now by scrolling through the document.
Just go to >>/view full screen to enlarge.

Critical mediation issues in New Zealand - Get more free documents


Anonymous said...

Geoff - Now that is very, very cool! I can see so many possible uses for this by mediators and business folks. Thanks for sharing this.

Geoff Sharp said...

Tammy, you are a whizz at applying this stuff to what medaitors do. Care to share? 5 ways we could use .docstoc?