Tuesday, September 2

Two new mediate.com articles up today

Worth a read;

Evaluative Mediation Techniques Help Achieve Success by L.A's Jeff Kichaven

'A mediator's evaluations can take as many forms as there are stars in the heavens... the most common are:
1. Ask pointed questions that raise issues or imply answers.
2. Give an analysis of the case, including strengths and weaknesses.
3. Make predictions about likely court results.
Suggest possible resolutions or specific settlements.
4. Apply some pressure...' [
read more]

Summarising by UK's Alan Sharland from Hillingdon Community Mediation

'Summarising is the second effective communication skill which forms part of the cyclical process of Listening - Summarising - Questioning that promotes Effective Communication and Effective Conflict Resolution...' [read more]

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