Thursday, November 13

Dispute resolution and cognitive and behavioral psychology

An interesting literature review over at JAMS on the connections between the world of dispute resolution and the worlds of cognitive and behavioral psychology.

The article previews the new YES! 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive by Goldstein, Martin and Cialdini and if you are particularly interested in this confluence of disciplines mention is also made of Richard Restak’s Mozart’s Brain and the Fighter Pilot, Daniel Gilbert’s Stumbling on Happiness, Drew Westen’s The Political Brain, and David Linden’s The Accidental Mind.

However, most praise is reserved for Professor Cialdini’s Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion who, according to Wikipedia, is the most cited social psychologist on the subjects of influence and per­suasion.

1 comment:

michael webster said...

Mediators should be reading Thomas Schelling's Strategy of Conflict. He is extremely insightful about commitment.