Friday, March 7

5 Ways to Coach Parties in Mediation

I have written before on coaching in mediation asking - is it OK to coach people on how to say something or who should say it in a mediation?

If I think of coaching opportunities I have had since Christmas, they have been;

1. Talking to parties about who is the best person in the group to make the offer to the other side and even who they might want to look at when they do...

2. That they might want to think about presenting a worst-case settlement offer first then contrasting that with their present, and more favourable, offer.

3. Suggesting that they don't say it like they were planning - instead saying the same thing but doing it differently, along the lines of "...."

4. Pointing out the hot buttons for the other side and assisting a party to make symbolic offers that will have a favourable psychological impact on them.

5. Suggesting and then assisting one party to restate all the interests that have been identified in the mediation so far (with the other party's first) - then present a proposal and identify how it meets those interests and is mutually beneficial for all.

For more on coaching check out;

1. Conflict Coaching – When It Works And When It Doesn't

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